Screwgate Carabiner



This screwgate carabiner is the original, classic, double-action gate mechanism and is still the most secure mechanism in many situations. Despite it not being auto-locking, in the hands of a competent user they can offer many advantages over their auto-lock rivals. Screwgates can be unlocked, have the gate opened, a component clipped and then re-locked with one hand only. This can be crucial in some rope access situations for instance. To do all of this one-handed with an auto-locking connector is challenging to say the least.

The screwgate carabiner has an in-built limiter to stop the barrel from being over-tightened onto the nose when loaded. This can be especially dangerous when managing a casualty in a two person rescue as it can make escaping the system extremely problematic.

Note: To prevent a screwgate from vibrating unlocked, simply invert it so that any downward movement vibrates it to the locked position.


  • Multi-functional, lightweight and compact
  • Can be used in conjunction with PFD’s and Lifejackets
  • Style / colour may vary
  • Screwgate closing mechanism

1er revendeur Northern diver de France


Z.I. du Capitoul, 10 Rue du Foulon

34700 Lodève

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